
Thursday 5 April 2007

California man sues veterans' hospital for removing wrong testicle

This man has a case.
Went to have cancer removed,

Now he has no balls.

Every mans worst nightmare is having his testicles removed, whether it's a subconscious fear of never being able to procreate again, or simply the fear of inevitable pain. Or it could be the intimate relationship men develope with their testicles over the years as they protect them from harm and pain.

Whichever the case, one man had to do without one of his testicles due to a growing cancer, hey, at least you still have another one right?? WRONG. Because little did he know, the doctors chopped off the wrong ball!! The man claims he thought it was a joke at first, I mean, that doesn't actually HAPPEN in real life right?! Well, my friends, apparently it does. Not only was his good ball cut out, but he is still walking around with a cancerous one for the time being. Poor fella.

This man may receive upwards of $200,000 in damages however, so the question is... How much are your balls worth?

You can check out the less entertaining version of the story here.

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